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29/10/2014 - AITN - Talks from the EU EHS hearing now available

Erica Mallery-BlytheDr Erica Mallery-Blythe presented an outstanding talk recently on electromagnetic fields and their possible effects at a meeting of the Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE). In this talk she discussed the difficulty of assessing exposure accurately, the various known mechanistic effects of electromagnetic fields, and the varied susceptibility of human beings to different exposures of various kind. This is one of the best you'll find anywhere at the moment to learn about some of the possible effects of mobile phones, cordless phones, WiFi and tablets, and it's freely available online.

We have also discovered another excellent video, produced in 2013, looking exclusively at exposure from modern wireless devices, particularly tablets such as the iPad, demonstrating that tablets often exceed the SAR exposures that you would expect from phone usage. Although it's rare that a tablet is likely to be pressed against the side of a user's head in the same way as a mobile phone, they are often used on laps, and are widely in use by children, even toddlers. With the links between radiofrequency EMFs and fertility, tablets may well pose a bigger future health risk than phones themselves.


» Erica's presentation in full
» "Smart n safe for r kids" video

Also in the news

Talks from the EU EHS hearing now available

As we covered on the 4th of November, the European Economic and Social Committee (part of the European Union) ran the hearing on electromagnetic hypersensitivity, with a range of presentations from expert individuals, national EHS organisations and the Austrian Mobile Operator's association.

All of the documents presented at this meeting are now downloadable from the EESC website, and are well worth reading.