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25/03/2008 - New Austrian phone mast cancer case study causes aggressive industry response

Dr. Gerd Oberfeld (MD) published an epidemioligical study earlier this year that found statistically significant increases in cancer (specifically breast and brain cancer) risk for those living near a mobile phone base station, with the most exposed showing the largest increase in risk.

Sadly, the study has triggered a vitriolic response from the Austrian mobile phone industry, who are claiming that the base station never existed at the time claimed by Dr. Oberfeld. This was followed by accusations of "gross negligence" and "insecurity brought about by scaremongering", and a demand "that the author publicly retracts his incorrect cancer investigation"!

These accusations are, according to Dr. Oberfeld, entirely without justification and he has no intention of retracting the study. Explaining that "As an epidemiologist, I am committed to the science and correct interpretation of the data, resulting from a study", he went on to explain that "During the preliminary research of the study by Gerd Oberfeld, a retired technician from the Post and Telecommunication Administration of Styria confirmed that a transmitter of the C-Network was operating at this location of the telephone exchange center Hausmannstätten. Furthermore, the informant could specify the precise power output of the transmitter as well as the number of channels".

If it turns out that this is correct, and that the transmitter was there and has mysteriously disappeared from mobilkom austria AG's records, it would indeed be a highly embarrassing mistake.

Oberfeld has echoed the sentiments of mobilkom austria AG that it is very important that a reliable approach and policy towards mobile phone science and technology is adopted, and that it is important for the industry and scientists to work together towards an appropriate solution for the issues that have been raised:

"The statement by the mobilkom austria AG that Austria needs a reliable policy for mobile phone technologies, which would investigate feared risk, without increasing panic and fear-mongering, is very much applauded by Gerd Oberfeld. It is high time that the fears and concerns of affected populations are respected, but also include scientific findings that have already been pointing in a similar direction for years, and that we search for solutions together. We may finally find a joint point of departure in this right direction!"

Dr. Gerd Oberfeld MD, March 2008


Original Paper in German - View original paper in German
English press release of study - Paper press release in English
Oberfeld vs Industry Correspondence - Oberfeld vs Mobile Industry Correspondence

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