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12/06/2008 - Mains wiring transients linked to cancer rates

Two researchers from the United States, Sam Milham and Lloyd Morgan (who is also a columnist on our site), have found a strong and novel association between a new exposure metric, high frequency voltage transients (on mains wiring), and an increase in cancer incidence.

Results (taken from abstract): A cohort cancer incidence analysis of the teacher population showed a positive trend (P = 7.1 x 10-10) of increasing cancer risk with increasing cumulative exposure to high frequency voltage transients on the classroom's electrical wiring measured with a Graham/Stetzer (G/S) meter. The attributable risk of cancer associated with this exposure was 64%. A single year of employment at this school increased a teacher's cancer risk by 21%.

The authors conclude that cancer incidence in the teachers at this school is unusually high and is strongly associated with high frequency voltage transients, leading them to draw comparison between these transients and the accepted universal carcinogen ionizing radiation.

This is a novel metric to analyse, and the findings appear to be extremely strong, both from the level of increased risk and the statistical significance of the results. It is very important that this research is taken seriously and attempts are made to replicate its findings.

View abstract on PubMed - View abstract on PubMed

Also in the news

Another resolution signed by leading scientists on EMFs and precaution

The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) has just produced a press release, entitled "Scientists urgently call for greater precaution to protect health from pervasive EMF exposure hazards until biologically based standards are in effect". This cites their Venice Resolution, a follow up to the well-publicised 2006 Benevento Resolution, which has collected nearly 50 signatures from qualified scientists or medical doctors.

Venice Resolution - Venice Resolution
Press Release - Press Release
Benevento Resolution - Benevento Resolution

Hellenic congress on EMFs

The 1st Hellenic Congress on the Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation met in Thessaloniki (Greece) on the 24th and 25th of May 2008. The conference had a number of well known speakers, and their media presentations are available for browsing from the multimedia section of the congress website. Well worth viewing, but Internet Explorer is required for the interactive presentations.

Robert Becker passes away

Dr. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in bioelectricity and electromagnetic fields, passed away on May 14, 2008. He is credited with being responsible for a number of crucial advances in the understanding of electromagnetic fields and their interaction with living systems from bone repair to effects on depression and human behaviour. He has authored and co-authored a number of landmark papers and publications, including the classic "The Body Electric", still in print today. Dr. Becker has twice been nominated for a nobel prize.

View obituary on Microwave News - 28th May Entry - View obituary on Microwave News - 28th May Entry

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