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28/09/2006 - Non-thermal bio-effects found in study of Lookout Mountain residents

Lookout Mountain Residents with increased amounts of broadcast radiation (RF) have statistically significant elevations of certain types of white blood cells that are immune system markers.

The National Institute of Environmental Health commissioned Colorado State University to examine the effects of long-term exposure to radiation on hundreds of residents of Lookout Mountain. This study follows the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment's July 2004 findings that statistically significant elevated numbers of brain tumors exist in residents near the broadcast antennae towers on Lookout Mountain:

"This study does show biological changes in the Lookout Mountain residents' immune system markers that are associated with RF. Various immune markers increase with increasing RF exposure. For example, the T cells and lymphocytes go up in a statistically significant manner with increases in RF. The reason for this reaction within the human body for this biological response in unclear. People with certain types of leukemia have high immune markers. The fact that there are RF limits imposed by the federal government shows that broadcast radiation is harmful beyond certain amounts. Everyone knows too much is hazardous. The issue is whether there are effects below the broadcast radiation levels that heat the body. In other words, are there also nonthermal effects? The CSU study was never designed to determine the risk of RF (radiofrequency radiation); it was designed to see if the RF caused changes in the biomarkers. No one study can prove or disprove the safety of broadcast radiation. This study shows there are some biological effects."

Professor Jim Burch
One of the authors of the CSU study

Powerwatch CommentsThis makes another good argument for the potential of RF radiation to cause detectable and repeatable biological effects at below international guidance levels. It is an interesting followup to their previous study (published in Environmental Health Perspectives) entitled "Radio Frequency Nonionizing Radiation in a Community Exposed to Radio and Television Broadcasting" which found that non-ionising radiation exposure amongst the same group of residents had noticeably increased over a 2 year period.


[C-A-R-E website with the press release and original news story for this article]
[View the report in full (173 KB .pdf)]

Also in the news

New website for the International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety

The International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (An Italian non-profit organisation) has inaugurated a new website designed to help promote the practical application of the precautionary principle, and have release a press release on the upcoming "Benvenuto Resolution", signed by 31 scientists to achieve the same aim.

The following announcement accompanied the news:

"We are glad to announce the opening of a new website for the International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety. www.icems.eu is now available online. "This site was created to hold the proceedings of the Benevento Workshop and will serve ICEMS organizational requirements going forward. "We are releasing the Benevento Resolution, signed by 31 scientists, along with a press release on September 19, 2006. You can refer to the press release in directing others to the site."

Elizabeth Kelley
ICEMS - Managing Secretariat
International Commission For Electromagnetic Safety
Montepulciano, Italy


[ICEMS website]
[View the Benvenuto press release (245 KB .pdf)]

New Risk Analysis document by Professor Denis Henshaw and Mike O'Carroll

Professor Denis Henshaw and Statistician Mike O'Carroll have produced a report demonstrating succinctly that despite the fact powerlines are being shown to increase the risk of developing childhood leukaemia, it is simply the tip of the iceberg. It appears there are far stronger statistical associations showing that powerlines are substantially increasing a number of other conditions such as depression, other cancers, and even miscarriage and suicide.

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