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01/12/2001 - Unofficial survey shows adverse health effects are significantly higher in the school with the mobile phone mast

Unofficial survey shows adverse health effects are significantly higher in the school with the mobile phone mast:

The two schools in the UK:

West Park Primary School, Hartlepool, quite an affluent area, 330 pupils aged 3-11 on the roll. Many households have two wage earners. Mobile phone mast present for almost 3 years.

Grange Park Primary School, former mining area in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, a high unemployment area, over 300 pupils aged 3-11 on the roll. No mobile phone mast yet, but one is planned for errection soon.

Here are the results of a parents' and teachers' health questionnaire survey:

  Grange Park Primary West Park Primary
Questions Asked no mast - 103 replies no mast - 146 replies
  %yes %no %yes %no
Has your child ever suffered from nosebleeds? 17 83 18 82
(n.b. nosebleeds and headaches were of a much greater frequency at West Park School)
Does your child suffer from headaches? 23 77 33 67
Does your child suffer from epilepsy? 3 97 1 99
Does your child complain of feeling dizzy? 13 87 8 92
Does your child complain of feeling nauseous? 11 89 20 80
Does your child suffer from excessive tiredness when at school? 8 92 28 72
Does your child suffer from short term memory loss? 1 99 13 87
Does your child get many coughs, colds and viral illness? 39 61 22 68
Has your showed uncharacteristic behaviour in last 3 years? 6 94 17 83
Has the teacher expressed concern at uncharactistic behaviour? 1 99 17 83
Has the teacher expressed concern at new learning difficulties? 3 97 3 97
Does your child suffer from skin irritations? 12 88 25 75
Is your child on any medical drugs? 14 86 1 99
Does your child suffer from anxiety problems? 5 95 11 89
Does your child suffer from poor concentration? 13 87 29 71
Has the teacher raised concentration difficulties in class? 14 86 29 71